Is it bad that working makes me think of everything that's not work? I mean, I don't spend nearly as much time thinking about things non-work-related as I do when I'm working. Good thing I'm used to my mind working in 13 directions at once or I'd get nothing done.
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In my reading world, I'm picking at Jane Austen's Persuasion. Lovely story about a girl who lets friends and family have far too much influence on her decision making when it comes to the love of her life and regrets it. This makes me think about my decision making and how I let people in too much when I shouldn't have and shut them out when I shouldn't have. As a Christian I should always ask God which way I should go more often than I do, but now that I've entered my 30s, I find myself doing this more than I did in the past. Thank you, experience. What or who influences you?
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My Google Reader list is starting to look positively gluttonous with blogs. I will have to update my blog roll on this blog so you can see some of the cool blogs that are out there you may not have already been aware of. The thing about the blogs I like -- design blogs, food blogs, travel blogs, craft blogs, photography blogs -- is that they are all in cahoots and let you know about each other's blogs, which give you more awesome reading and photographic material than you can possibly know what to do with. The villains.
Three to check out:
Birch + Bird Vintage Home Interiors
Posie Gets Cozy
Wayfare Magazine
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I'm getting a lot of inspiration and ideas lately. Unfortunately I have no idea what to do with it. Hmm...